May 21, 2018

Spring in Wisconsin

It's warming up! Things are turning green up here in the northwestern part of Wisconsin. 
Trees are budding, flowers are blossoming, and plants are growing. I think it is time for us to plant our garden!

We count it a blessing to be able to start our own plants in our greenhouse.
They sure have grown in the last few weeks!

And they keep growing!
 These tomatoes look like they're wanting to go in the garden pretty soon.

Here we have some spinach started in a raised bed in our greenhouse.

Our neighbor was kind and lent us his big tractor on the garden.

And so the planting begins! 

We've got the veggie plants in the ground!
Now we just need rain.

Our grass is long and the dandelions are in abundance. 
I think it's about time to mow the lawn again.

And Laurissa, our ever faithful mower gal, does the job very well.
Looks to me she wasn't too thrilled to get herself in a photo though. ;)

Our dog Arlo found himself a new favorite thing to do around here...

He also LOVES to play with this swing!

One thing Daddy enjoys very much is flying his model airplanes. 
I think he's missed it during those long winter months. ;)

Miranda and Arlo.
We all adore this puppy very much!

And he's just chilling out...

This new Spring season is busy for all of us. But as we go about our daily life's activities let us not forget the real reason why we're put here, to bring honor and glory to our Creator.
May Jesus Christ be in the center of your life this week.

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, 
or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31